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Water Reclamation
The mission of the Water Reclamation Division is to protect public health by adhering to the federal, state and local regulations governing the collection and treatment of wastewater.  Our staff is dedicated to preserving and protecting our water environment and natural resources in the most efficient and economical means possible.  
Water Reclamation is responsible for the operation of an extended air activated sludge treatment plant that receives an average influent flow of 2.14 million gallons per day. In addition to the treatment process, a biosolids compost operation takes place where over 200 tons are processed on an annual basis.
The division is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the collection system which is made up of approximately 100 miles of sewer main and 1,815 manholes.
Along with the assistance of the Transportation Division, together we oversee and maintain the stormwater collection system that is made up of 100 miles of storm sewer main,1,500 catch basins and 6 outfall locations to the North Platte River.

Aeration Basin at
the Treatment Plant

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